Apeluri ICDE Comunicate

[ENGLISH POST] Appeal to EU and NATO Leaders to Refuse President Putin’s Invitation to Propagandistic 9 May Parade!

The Initiative for European Democratic Culture (ICDE), a think tank promoting European values and democratic culture, appeals to heads of states and governments from the Euro-Atlantic area not to attend the festivities scheduled to take place in Moscow, on the 9th of May, which are meant to be presented, both to the local and international opinion, as President Vladimir Putin’s show of power, with the approval of elected leaders of liberal democracies attending the event.

Considering that the Kremlin leader never reconsidered the illegal annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, which belongs to Ukraine, and that the Moscow regime is still subjected to Western sanctions for its aggression against a sovereign state, and taking into account the conclusions of the Report of the EU’s European External Action Service (EEAS) of 16 March 2020, which hints at a Russian supported fake news and discrediting campaign targeted against European and transatlantic institutions, we believe it would be inappropriate and ill-timed for EU and NATO heads of states and governments to legitimse through their presence the defiant behaviour of the Putin regime with regards to International Law the Western liberal values.

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